Complaints Policy and Procedures
Content depicting yourself removal
This procedure assists you by supporting your right to delete your presence on the internet. In case of a disagreement regarding an appeal, you must allow a neutral body to resolve such a dispute.
Required Information
- A sample of the content depicting yourself, detailing who you are at it.
- An official document to prove your identity.
- The location where the website shows the claimed material.
- 1. Our team receives the claim via [email protected] reviews it, and may ask the sender for facts.
- 2. The Monitoring Team contacts the content owner, asking for the depicted people's legal age checks and their consent to appear in the given content.
- 3. If the content does not comply with the website's terms, the monitoring team will remove it within seven days
- 4. Appealing: You may reply to our decision with additional facts or reasons. You may escalate the case to a neutral body that can make a final decision, and we will execute it and communicate it to all the affected people as soon as we receive it.
Refund Request
Our Refund Policy is to not refund by default. However, there can be exceptional issues with the gateways and banks, causing duplicate charges, or the payment confirmation may never arrive in our systems, stopping us from enabling the service purchased. If you are in any of these situations or relatively similar, please follow these steps to report a case:
Required Information
- As many details as possible of the related transaction(s), including date, time, amount.
- The precise reason for requesting the refund, with evidence.
- Screenshots from your bank account showing the charges, if applicable.
- 1. Our team receives the claim via [email protected] , reviews it, and may ask the sender for facts.
- 2. If the refund applies based on the evidence provided, the monitoring team will execute it within seven days.
- 3. Appealing: A complaint can be issued to Visa / MasterCard requesting a chargeback.
Abusive or Unauthorized Content
The Terms & Conditions of our website and the content uploader agreement clearly state the situations, materials, topics, vocabulary, and imagery the company does not accept within the content distributed via our website.
Our in-house software scrubs all the broadcasting channels in real-time, seeking unauthenticated content based on images and sound. It also estimates a person's age by their face to detect the presence of minors. To request additional information, it matches the content star with the verified account owner
Additionally, an experienced 24/7 Monitoring Team reviews the broadcasted channels in real time, paying particular attention to the first-time ones.
Despite the above, and being fully committed to distributing high-quality, non-offensive adult content to all legal-age audiences, we also offer you the electronic procedure to notify us of any situations that are not acceptable or doubtful based on your beliefs and goodwill.
Required Information
- Please provide the post URL, a description of the reported content, a clear statement explaining why you consider it nonauthorized, and screenshots of the related content, if available.
- 1. Our team receives the claim, reviews it, and may ask the sender for facts.
- 2. If the content does not comply with the website's terms, the monitoring team will remove it within 24 hours.
- 3. Appealing: To follow the process again with new facts and referencing previous claims.
Content Copyright Infringement
We help to fight Copyright abuse. This process allows content owners to report if they believe their artwork has been copied or distributed without authorization.
Required Information
- The claimant info: Full name, address, telephone number and email address.
- The content description + link at our site of the copyrighted work, including a clear explanation with evidence about the intellectual property rights violation.
- A statement of the claimant’s good faith belief that the copyright owner does not authorize the disputed content, its agent, or the law.
- A statement of the claimant that the information in the claim is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner.
- 1. Our team receives the claim via [email protected] reviews it, and may ask the sender for facts.
- 2. If the content does not comply with the website's terms, the monitoring team will remove it within seven days.
- 3. Appealing does not apply in this case. After a thorough review, we base the resolution on the facts and evidence provided.
Copyright Infringement Counter-Notice
If your User Content has been removed or access to such User Content has been disabled., if your User Content is not infringing any copyright, or if you have authorization from the copyright owner, the copyright owner’s agent, or under the law, the right to post and use the material in your User Content, you have the right to claim the legality of the content to ask for its restoration by our monitoring team.
Required Information
- The claimant info: Full name, address, telephone number and email address.
- Identification of the Content that has been removed by our team, pointing its location at the website.
- A clear explanation with evidence about the intellectual property rights violation.
- A statement of the claimant’s good faith belief that the copyright owner authorizes the disputed content, its agent, or the law.
- 1. Our team receives the claim via [email protected] reviews it, and may ask the sender for facts.
- 2. If the content does not comply with the website's terms, the monitoring team will remove it within seven days.
- 3. Appealing does not apply in this case. After a thorough review, we base the resolution on the facts and evidence provided
Record Keeping
Monmar Gestion 3 SL records every content policy infringement. Each complaint recorded includes the following:
- 1. Details of the complainant and the nature of the complaint.
- 2. Date logged.
- 3. Action taken.
- 4. Date of resolution and reason for decision.
Our system anonymizes any personal data as part of the record-keeping process.
The company keeps copies of all correspondence and other materials concerning complaints for seven years.
The complaints register and files will be confidential. Only management and above have access to it.